Nomad AIR program focuses on the notion of hospitality and the social relations between “host” and “guest” para-siting the infrastructure of other institutions.
The project starts from the idea of looking over the dynamics, meaning, phenomena and processes of international artist residency programs.
The main concept centers on human relationships created within the residency format, and us as artists intervening in this framework by acting as managers.
Nomad AIR raises physical spatiality within the sphere of off shoring with the intention to expand a narrative field beyond the standard homogenization of common artistic residencies.
Like other residency programs, Nomad AIR creates an international platform in different cities in order to increase resources in the active practice of the participants through presentations, talks, conferences and exhibitions. However, in opposition to the individual artist-in-residence format, the program consists in creating a parallel residency that parasite from the generosity of another institution running a similar program, creating in this way a sub artist-in-residency program. The program is focused on research and networking also as, in some cases, production and presentation of artistic practice. Nomad aAIR offers a personalized residency that allows a flexible and relaxed structure and collaboration between the host-artists that apply to and participate in an official, funded residency, and then invite another guest-artist from their community to participate in the residency under the radar. Access to Nomad AIR is open to all artists, filmmakers, musicians, writers and curators without restriction of medium, age or nationality, but priority is given to artists working on relational, site-specific, environmental, mobile and travel-based projects on the experimental and interdisciplinary fringes.
Each residency has duration from one week up till 1 month and at the moment is by invitation only.
The program was founded in 2012 by artists duo Martinka Bobrikova and Oscar de Carmen.
Since 2017 Nomad AIR is part of Microresidence Network.