Residencies Exchange
Excited to share the online version of the Residencies Exchange publication edited by Hablar En Arte, including different models of residency programs from well established ones to grassroots initiatives like us.
The publication Residencies Exchange aims to show the increasing diversity of the currently existent artist residencies. In this scenario, the dialogue between its organizers is essential to enable mutual learning and improvement, weighing in a critical way the work itself.
Through this compendium of texts and dialogues, “Residencies Exchange” delves into issues around 4 key concepts in the frame of artist residencies: mobility, reciprocity, academia and hospitality.
Download HERE
For each section, we’ve counted with the contribution of international artist residency’s managers:
Sergi Botella (Hangar)
Dina Kafafi (Townhouse)
Clara Pallí (1646)
Marita Muukkonen / Ivor Stodolsky (Artists at risk)
Els van Odijk (Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten)
Manuela Villa Acosta (Centro de Residencias Artísticas, Matadero Madrid)
Ika Sienkiewicz-Nowacka (Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art)
Dominic van den Boogerd (De Ateliers)
Manuela Villa Acosta / Amador Fernández-Savater
Andrea Pacheco (FelipaManuela)
Martinka Bobrikova / Oscar de Carmen (Nomad AIR)